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LITTLE HUG NEWS 7 3rd May 20

Happy 1st Birthday to HUG, on this day exactly a year ago what was to become known as HUG was born. As an interest group within Heswall U3a the ukulele group has gone from strength to strength, even a virus cannot hold us back!

Those who turned up for the initial meeting at Heswall Hall could not really know in which direction the fledgling group was going other than it was another opportunity to play with like minded people the instrument we love. After a few twists and turns here we are one year on, older, wiser, and stronger in numbers, here's to many more years and yes even more people joining us. I would like to place on record those who attended our very first meeting and are still members. So if you were there (I know most but do not want to miss anyone) please email me on

Thank you goes to each and everyone of you actively supporting HUG, whether that be as before, regularly turning up for our Friday meet at Heswall Hall (yes we did used to actually meet!) or now in our virtual meet ups on a Friday morning. It has been and continues to be a pleasure to lead such a great bunch of people. I say lead but really I see my role as a facilitator (sorry, lapsing back in to management speak!) enabling each of us to get the most out of HUG. Whether thats playing and singing your heart out, getting up and performing or throwing yourself in to learning new skills.

HUG 1st Birthday Celebration, I hope you had a great night last night, I for one really enjoyed it. Bit relieved to be honest that we actually pulled it off after promising we would have a party even if we couldn't actually be together. I know that you are aware of the help and contributions others gave to make it a success so thank you to Geoff & Sheila, Roger and Dot who helped to make the event happen.

Now let's treat that as a rehearsal for the actual party we will have a soon as we are able.

Photos, Photos, Photos! I hope there are some photos of the evening from your perspective, they are very important records of our history. So please send them in to me, I will post them on the website. There are one or two ready to go on already.

Well things don't stand still so on to the next event!

Friday is VE Day and it will be appropriate that we recognise the massive effect music played on that day 75 years ago, and throughout the war years. We are going to add in some wartime songs through the morning. So soon I will be posting the songs on to our website Music for you to download and perhaps have a cheeky run through!

As has become the format, they are being recorded ready for us to play along with.

I thought it would be fun to also include a Wartime themed quiz throughout the morning, nothing too stretching, promise!

I want, brief stories of relatives if you have them, images of photos if it comes out ok.

Also let's share some Wartime menus for Friday. We found a tin of Spam in the cupboard, lovely! Think it might be a mutiny if I asked you to dress up! But a little bunting would be great and of course photographs!

Claim to Fame, do keep sending these in if you have not yet done so. We all have a claim to fame, it doesn't need to be earth shattering!

Hug & Lettuce Quiz, Tuesday Night, again, if you are yet to join us then why not give it a go this Tuesday. The theme is very definitely about socialising and chatting first and foremost (the quiz is just the excuse!) Its also held in a virtual pub so the landlord frowns on people coming into the pub and not having a drink! so thats your excuse.

May see if I can vary things a little this week if I get time!

The dreaded Virus thing! It is likely that thoughts will turn to life after lockdown in the coming days and weeks. We are all impatient to have a least some normality to our lives (as good as virtually meeting is). As previously, we have been guided by Claud we will be leaning on him for the way ahead for us as a group. There are many issues to take in to account as I am sure you are aware, the overriding factor is safety of each of us and this will guide any decisions, along with recommendations from the U3a.

Finally, please do use when corresponding, that way I know which emails are to do with the group.

Stay safe, see you Tuesday and or Friday


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