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HUG NEWS 61 7th Oct 20

It would seem that in order to stay together as an interest group we are going to have to be creative and use media even more so. The inevitable conclusion fro Heswall Hall is that they will not reopen in 2020 even if they had, there was going to be stringent restrictions on numbers and types of activity allowed.

It is depressing that all the sacrifices made earlier in the year appear to have been for nought. Like me, I am sure you felt the inevitability of increasing numbers of infection as I observed people playing fast and loose with guidelines and laws in our area. It does appear to be a generational thing. I am sure that like me, you have applied common sense towards assessing risks, this comes with age and experience. Common sense is in short supply within some age groups.

Hugukuleletv123, I feel I am now getting in to my stride using the new system and I hope you are enjoying Fridays. I am going to try and mix things up for us over the coming weeks

to keep the interest. The main thrust remains though to play our favourites.

It was good last Friday to feature a guest performance by Eee N Bee playing a couple of songs with their own interpretation. I am pleased to announce that we will feature a further two songs from them, I am sure you will enjoy.

From time to time I will feature other performers for our pleasure. It is good to showcase other performers from other groups. If you want to be featured though, just make a video of you performing and forward it to me. I use Dropbox for video file transfer as videos are too big to go as attachments to emails. There will also be other features so be sure to make a date and tune in on Friday mornings. My aspiration is to make Hugukuleletv123 our very own streamed TV Channel and that others will tune in to see the good things we are doing.

Quick Lessons, once again thank you for tuning in early for our weekly lesson. Currently we are working on expanding our chords beyond 1st position. Playing Open Chords further up the neck adds colour and emphasis when used appropriately within a song. Particularly when playing with others. The QUICK LESSON 14 Video is now available on our website in the Member Area, Drop down Quick Lessons.

An explanation of Chord "Inversions" that chords played up the neck are called can be found in the Member Area on our website.

Hug & Lettuce, it is now time to close the HUG & LETTUCE as it has I think it has run its course.

At the start of Lockdown Tuesday Night at the H & L kept us all together. We had themed nights with food and drink from around the World to add to the fun. As restrictions were relaxed it was inevitable that numbers would drop off. It is testimony to a hardcore of quizzers that you stuck with me, thank you for that.

As I have previously mentioned I think there is value in us repurposing Tuesday Nights now and when we get back together. So we will have a new initiative - HUG SOCIAL

HUG SOCIAL, would become a meeting place for us to experience features, try out new songs with chords and guidance, share and play along to songs, Open Mike contributions, occasional workshops and yes a little bit of quizzing!

As well as the chance to Chat on line and an opportunity to talk face to face.

I say Tuesday Nights but there is an opportunity to move the day and time if we want. It would not be possible to please everyone but I am open to alternatives towards the beginning of the week to maximise participation. Features from HUG SOCIAL could even by repeated at our Friday session if it was appropriate.

One of the first features will be to share the original poetry from group members.

Finger Picking Workshop. Tonight (Wednesday) I will stream out a rerun of the Workshop I participated in online. If you are interested in an introduction to Finger Picking you will get something from the workshop. Just tune in from 6.50pm ready for a 7.00pm start. So ukes at the ready, tuned of course! Also, please download the worksheets for the workshop from our website. I have placed a button to go straight to them in the member area and the dropdown menu Quick Lessons. The worksheets are the songs used. The workshop is about 50 minutes long.

So, I hope you will stick with and enjoy the evolving stream and it will help us to get through these times.

Stay safe, stay strumming and practice practice practice!

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