We reach another milestone with our 40th HUG NEWS, I never really envisaged producing this number of Blogs but thank you for reading them each week (admittedly with a bit of arm twisting!) it has given us another way of staying in touch and sharing things we would probably have shared face to face. It has to be acknowledged the contributions made by those who have shared contributions for us all to enjoy. I am judging that one Blog a week is probably enough! So Little HUG NEWS has run its course!
Photos, I have been busy posting various things on our website both in the Member Area and the Gallery rather than attach them to the Blog, they are now part of our history. Take a look when you can.
hugukulele123, our weekly streams have been a lot of fun and now that we have a supply of songs to sing and play along to it is good to now be able to play requested favourites. We have had a hectic few weeks with special events so it is good to get back to some semblance of what now goes for normality. So its over to you for Friday, if you especially would like to suggest a song you want us to do then be prepared for Friday. The more prepared we are with requests then the more songs we can play together. Just a suggestion it will be good to vary most of the songs each week so we don't just play the same songs but of course favourites are just that, we enjoy playing them. So it over to you.
HUG & LETTUCE Tuesday Quiz night, we have been quizzing for quite a number of weeks now and this week I think we found most peoples era is the 70s! The virtual Pub tells me they are looking at having a themed 70s evening next Tuesday. Of course there will be the quiz but maybe some other things, I will tell you more when I know!
VE Day, thank you to all for throwing yourselves into commemorating the 75th Anniversary, in particular those who contributed songs for us to join in with. If you did anything where you live let us know, I will share it. We had an impromptu Street Party which of course entailed singing and playing songs!
I included a photo from Jill in the last Blog but here is the story behind it! Jill was an education Officer with the 7 Valley Steam Railway and provided a WW2 experience for Primary School Children of what it was like to be evacuated to the Countryside. The children in character, dress, gas mask boxes, would pretend they were being evacuated. Stories of real life evacuees experiences would be related. Of course singing songs was part of the experience! Rationing always got a reaction, especially sweet rationing!
Also, a big thank you goes to Di for the wonderful audio story of her Father pulling the communication chord, something we all probably thought of doing but didn't dare!
Claim to Fame, thank you to all who sent in their claim to fame. I have no doubt all have a claim to fame. Brian (Bury Black pudding Massive) Ran a Pub in Bolton some 40 years ago. He was approached by a Band who said they now needed another place to practice. Having a room upstairs Brian allowed them to use it. he didn't know at the time but it was The Houghton Weavers. Upon hearing them Brian opened a Folk Club with them. they went on to have a long successful recording career. To this day they are still good friends of Brian.
Whilst things are moving towards easing the lockdown it still does seem we will be a while before we can think of getting back together. So far we have concentrated rightly on putting together group songs we can sing along with. I would like to tentatively dip a toe in the water of some online learning.
Firstly, just to remind ourselves of the advantage of playing chords up and down the neck. Not to overdo things but to include a few minutes of having a go of playing a chord in another position on Friday.
Secondly, a little more ambitious! If there are two or three of you who would like to learn to play the Blues on Uke then I am prepared to organise something. It would be fairly modest to start with but would require a couple of things. Firstly, able to comfortably move around basic chords without thinking, secondly, beyond just basic strumming. I would limit the number to 3 maybe 4 so that I can ensure help can be given and things explained. My preference would be to use a Group FaceTime so that questions can be asked.
As I say, I do not know if it will work but if there are people who are up for it we can give it a go. It will not be too intensive but can expand to cover many aspects of playing the blues. Why learn the Blues? It is the basis of so much music from the 50s onwards and has something to offer as a basis for ways of interpreting songs. It might just get you exploring the massive subject of the blues, it will certainly expand skills.
Let me know if there is any interest. Its about learning so you are not expected to be competent (otherwise you can teach me!) We will learn together and take it slowly.
Our thoughts are with Sharon and her family on the sad loss of her Mum. I have forwarded a message of condolence on behalf of all at HUG.
Stay safe,I think things will start moving quickly in the next few weeks, hopefully in the right direction!