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HUG NEWS 27 3rd March 20

Writer's picture:

Question: What happens to a person who fails a Ukulele Course?

Answer: He has to go to Strummer School!

Question: How does a Ukulele player make sure other Ukulele players laugh at their jokes?

Answer: He slips them a Tenor!

Covid 19 We are all acutely aware of the situation surrounding Covid 19 or more commonly referred to as Corona Virus. We are not yet in a situation where we have to suspend meeting. I think though it will help to clarify some basics. Claud Regnard has kindly pulled together some information for us. Click on the Members Area in the Menu on our website and click the Covid 19 Button to go to the Information.

We will spend a few minutes clarifying things on Friday.

New Song. We will take a rest from Tab and Riffs this month and concentrate upon learning at least one new song. Our song is "The Galway Girl". Please take a look in our Music on the website and download a copy of the song ready for Friday. I have also included a video of the song being played in the way we will play it. It is by a Norwegian Group called Ukului.

The Video of Ukului is of them playing in the key of D so you cannot use our versions chords to play along with it but use it to familiarise yourself with the version of the song ready for Friday. Our song is in the key of G. The aim is to learn a fun version singalong song that audiences will love singing along to and we will enjoy playing.

I will take us through the key learning points, particularly, start, stops, single strums and Tacets. Also, the song benefits from a particular strum so I will show this.

Just on Tabs and Riffs, it will be interesting to know how people have got on with the songs using the Pentatonic Scale I posted. Also, I am hoping that we keep on reinforcing those songs with Tabs and Riffs like Margaretaville, I'm the Urban Spaceman and Let It Be.

Open Mike session, I wanted to thank those who performed for us last Friday, it was really good session. I do hope it will give others confidence to give it a go at the end of this month. Remember, any song we don't currently list, one or more people. You can even just sing and have accompaniment if you prefer, just let me have the music in good time so I can arrange this for you.

U3A Renewals, quick update on this, Dot will not be able to attend this Friday so we will handle Renewals from the following Friday.

Sharpening Up It is now time for us to really nail starts, finishes and song structures in readiness for Gigs. Please make sure you are only using HUG material when playing so that songs are played our way. I think there are other groups versions and interpretation of songs still being used. I have provided a Crib Sheet on the website to help with reminding how we interpret songs, this is something I will keep adding to. Go to the Members area and Click on Crib Sheet Button.

Music Basics, I have posted the first quick teach in on Music Basics. If you are interested in learning just a little about Music then this is for you. Go to the Members Area of our Website and click on the Button "Music Basics". This will take you to a PDF covering our first subject "RHYTHM".

Thanks once again for supporting HUG and I hope to see as many of you as can make it, especially those who have not been for a few weeks.


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