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HUG NEWS 34 31st March 20

Hi all, just an update for you.

THIS IS A COVID-19 FREE BLOG (completely sanitised!)

HUGUKULELE123, have been busy prepping for Fridays live stream. As we build up the number of songs ready to stream we will be able to introduce requests. The reason why I am streaming recorded songs is that I don't just want to inflict on you me just playing and murdering a song! I have been collaborating with others so that I can stream a more fuller rendition of the songs. Briefly this is how we are doing it:-

A basic track of each song is being recorded, either by me or by Geoff and Sheila. The basic track is bounced between us and we are adding to the recording to build it into a more fuller sound. So by the time I stream it is as if 4 of us are playing the song. Others will contribute as we go on. We are learning techniques all the time so will get better at it.

Fridays Stream, I am looking forward to streaming again and will have more songs for you to play along with. Also, I will stream some more open mike contributions.

More about Friday later in the week so watch out for our second Blog Little Hugs 2 I will provide more detail for you in this.

Members not yet joined, if you are aware of members who haven't yet joined up to our live stream hugukulel123 and they would like to then encourage them to sign up.

Also as twitch is an open platform anyone can view our streams, if there are people who would like to join in then that would be great. Ukulele players or people who would just like to join us and listen or singalong would be lovely.

Photos etc., It would be great to get some photos of any of you when you are live streaming (photos not video as it takes up too much memory). Obviously need a n other to take the photo!

Diary, we are being encouraged to keep a diary over the coming weeks, this is an unprecedented period in our lives and small things make a difference. they would make interesting reading and a record of the time at the smallest detail.

Ukulele Sites to consider, There are many but one for you to have a look at is It has a whole stack of free videos to play along to. Its a bit like karaoke for ukulele, with songs played and the chords to follow bouncing along for you to play along with. The neat thing is you will find lessons for the songs showing chords strums and yes even riffs. Songs are very often in different keys so it really is good practice. Aldrine Guerrero is a fantastic teacher and player. You will learn so much.

Website, I am sure you do but please keep checking out all of the website as things are changing or being updated.

Recorded Messages, I want to encourage you to send me a brief message of say up to 30 seconds. I will play them during our live streams.

Sort of thing would be a hi and who you are and a message to your fellow Huggers.

Our chosen App for all recordings is Voice Record Pro. it is a free App.

In its simplest form you simply press record, record your message press stop and then you will find a list where you can do many things including attach to an email and send to me.

IT Support, at the cost of millions we have recruited a dedicated IT Team to support you. It is headed up by Roger Drake, who is ready to help with your IT issues. The new Call Centre with hundreds of virtual staff awaits your call! No pressure Roger!

Ok, so now gong for my one daily walk. Today I have decided to visit my Garden tool Shed after a few days of just visiting my Log store. Im soooo excited!



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